The Torah in Parshas Noach (Ch. 9-10) lists the descendants of Noach and how the seventy nations would come about to be. not all children shared the same blessing for offspring and leadership, which begs the question why?!
Whats the secret to longevity ? popularity? descendants??
The Torah describes two brothers Peleg and Yokton both children of Eber (the great grandchild of Shem who was the son of Noach)
Peleg, was the older brother, and Yokton was the younger brother, while the Torah goes on to enumerate the 13 children of Yokton there is complete silence about the offspring of Peleg, Rashi explains that Yokton received his name because he was humble "Because he was humble and considered himself small (קָטָן). Therefore, he merited to raise all these families".
One of Yoktons children was named חצרמות lit. "yard of death - graveyard". which is surprising when you consider how careful we are to give names with a positive meaning, why would the righteous Yokton give his own son such a harsh name?
while actual death is a undesirable experience, living with the mindfulness of death is positive and productive. The Zohar writes that a righteous man always lives with the conciseness of our limited mortality, and is therefore always in a Teshuvah mindset, he perceives the critical value of time and does not assume that he will always have another chance of Teshuvah tomorrow ... for there may be no tomorrow ....
Rashi when explaining the name חצרמות refferes us to the words of the Aggadah (Gen. Rabbah 37:8). there the Medrash explains that this was a town that its inhabitants strive for a humble lifestyle eating only simple organic vegtables instead of indulging in the foods of the rich, they were dressed modestly with simple clothing and lived with the conciseness and reality of the graveyard "yard of death" = Teshuvah!
The rebbe in a farbrengen Parshas Noach 5725 spoke empahtiaclly how we here in america seem to be pursuing a lifestyle of the polar opposite from that of the town of חצרמות, we are obsessed with pursuing a luxurious lifestyle of fancy clothing, upscale living conditions each trying to outdo and surpass his neighbor, and the pursuit and indulgence of fine foods!
the message of Parshas Noach is that while Peleg was the older brother and got the head-start in life it was only his humble "little" brother who really "made it"!! ... if we want to raise happy Jewish and Chassidisher children who will continue on the correct path, we must live and lead a humble lifestyle!
in other words the avodah of dor hashevii is that we should have the riches and financial stability to afford all the luxury of life and yet "choose" to live a strictly simple and humble lifestyle
just like Yokton who lead his simplistic lifestyle not because he could not afford more but rather because he understood the consequence of וישמן ישורון ויבעט!!
the rebbe wanted us all to have מעדנים מצויים כעפר but believed in us that we would have the maturity and intellect to treat it like עפר!
While we all make use of עפר as a integral "building block" of life, none of us turned עפר into our identity and pride, money is critical and productive however the fanfare of it is destructive.
we should all have plentiful abundance of food but never begin to "indulge" ... its not just the food that needs to be kosher, the way we eat it, should be kosher as well!
to put it simple the "dig in" slogan in not kosher (lifestyle) friendly!
.... eating is just a need that we ought to partake as human beings, it should not be celebrated anymore than its next-in-keen; the "bathroom", which we all do modestly without Facebook and Instagram posts of every stool we tried. the shape and form of what we intake is as meaningless as what we expunge and leave behind closed doors!
to put it simple the "dig in" slogan in not kosher (lifestyle) friendly!
.... eating is just a need that we ought to partake as human beings, it should not be celebrated anymore than its next-in-keen; the "bathroom", which we all do modestly without Facebook and Instagram posts of every stool we tried. the shape and form of what we intake is as meaningless as what we expunge and leave behind closed doors!
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